Neck Pain
80% of the American population will experience back pain or back problems at some point in their lives. At any given time, there are approximately 31 million Americans suffering from low-back pain specifically. With more and more people working long hours at office jobs or having sedentary jobs in general, the issue of chronic back…
Read MoreNearly everyone has a smartphone or mobile device these days, and while there is some merit to this technology by keeping us more connected – at least virtually – it is wreaking havoc on our bodies. When you look at the posture that people assume when texting, reading email, or browsing social media while on…
Read MoreComing back from a great Fourth of July weekend, you may be experiencing some unexplained neck pain. This neck pain may have been caused by looking up for a long period of time at a firework display over the weekend. This constant upward looking can irritate and compress the joints of the neck, leading to…
Read MoreTexting: You do it every day, without batting an eye or thinking about it. It’s an instant way of staying in touch with family and friends. And it’s harmless, right? Not so fast! Like many people, you most likely hold your tablet or smartphone in your hand and glance down at it to read and…
Read MoreAre You in the Healthiest Sleeping Position Every Night? Aches and pains in the neck and back are some of the most common complaints in chiropractic care. Although stress, exercise injuries and other conditions can lead to chronic back and neck pain, poor sleep posture is a major contributor. A bad night of sleep causes…
Read MoreWith cold weather creeping in this winter, you may start to notice changes in your joints and muscles as well as intensified chronic pain. Many people often wonder if there is a direct connection between the cold weather and their chronic pain. Do you ever go outside in the cold and question why your joints…
Read MoreWhiplash is a fairly common injury that occurs to a person’s neck after a sudden force that causes rapid forward and backward motion of the head. Whiplash injuries are often mistreated due to lack of understanding of the condition. If you have whiplash or think you may be suffering from a neck injury, it is…
Read MoreWe as a society seem to be busier than ever. The kids have school and extra activities, there’s work to get done, the home needs help, and the errands are never-ending. We’re either sitting at a desk too long or standing too much. There’s no time to deal with being in pain, why not just…
Read MoreAvoid doing these and learn to naturally and effectively treat neck and back pain. At a certain point, most of us have suffered from serious pain, originating from the spine. Neck and back pains are amongst the most common health complaints all people have and, unfortunately, for many this is an ongoing problem that causes…
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