Better Sleep
Reduced Stress
Increased Energy
When it comes to getting your body healthy and keeping it that way, chiropractic care has much to offer. Our Franklin chiropractic clinic provides each patient with a unique wellness program that gets the body fully functioning, optimized, and ready to perform and support you.
We know you don’t want to be in our clinic more than necessary; the goal is to get you well and help you maintain your good results. Who wouldn’t want to live in comfort and have the tools necessary to keep you active, enjoying the things you love, and having the quality of life you deserve?
Contact us; we’re ready to get started whenever you are!

What is Our Health Guidance Program?
Our team has advanced knowledge regarding health and wellness. Using comprehensive, natural, and non-invasive services, we can enhance and empower your body.
We understand that getting pain-free is the ultimate result, but getting there means we need to uncover the injury, mend it, and give you guidance that helps keep re-injury from occurring.
Our Health Guidance Program provides patients with insight and education on living life with a strong body that they can rely on.
You’ll receive:
- An individualized chiropractic plan based on your needs, goals, and abilities
- Education on proper stretching and exercising
- Preventative care advice
- Sleep support, inclusive of sleep positions, pillows, and mattresses
- Insight regarding ergonomics, posture, and workstation setup
- Diet, nutrition, vitamin, and supplement guidance
- Stress reduction methods
- Ongoing support from our staff
- And more
We value health care over sick care and know that staying strong and healthy is the best way to ensure your body, mind, and spirit can fully support you.
You will get invaluable life-changing recommendations from our experienced team, as well as:
- A book all about healing and staying healthy
- Educational emails
- How-to video tutorials
- And more
We cover all aspects of healing and take an overall look at how your body heals and supports you so you get the best possible outcome while involved with our Health Guidance Program.

Realign Your Body and Find Balance with Chiropractic Care
When you allow the body to heal itself, you’re promoting safe, organic recovery- a process that works with the body, not against it. Chiropractic delivers lasting and real results because its methods garner strengthening of the soft tissues and joints that we depend on regularly.
When we’re in pain, it’s difficult to focus, making work, social and family obligations, and physical activity difficult. This can lead to mental anguish, financial stress, even depression. We’re here to get you back to living a life you enjoy, pain-free, and confident.